UPDATED 03/07/2022

Abbott Nutrition has added specific lots of Similac PM 60/40 powdered formula to the voluntary recall of Similac products. This is in addition to specific lots of Similac, Alimentum, EleCare and EleCare Jr powder formulas that were voluntarily recalled on February 17, 2022. At this time, Similac PM 60/40 with lot code 27032K80 (can) / 27032K800 (case) are the only type and lots of this specialty formula being recalled.

MCOs must ensure that formula suppliers and other healthcare providers are aware of this update. The recall will make it necessary for certain members to obtain powdered formula substitutes or donor human milk.

Human milk is considered a substitute for Similac 60/40. Information about coverage of donor human milk is outlined in the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Durable Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, and Nutritional Products Handbook, Section 2.2.13.

If a member contacts the MCO requesting a substitute powdered formula or donor human milk, the MCO must assist the member by connecting them to the appropriate provider and assisting all parties in coordinating the replacement at no cost to the member. Any substitution should only be done under the recommendation and supervision of a healthcare professional.

MCOs must have a process in place for suppliers to request powdered formulas. For existing prior authorizations of formulas affected by the recall, previously submitted documentation supporting medical necessity is sufficient to request the substitute powdered formula.

MCOs should continue to provide guidance about the recall to members, relevant providers, and all appropriate MCO staff, including service coordination, service management, member services, and utilization review teams. MCOs must make MCO staff aware of any actions needed to quickly assist members with adjustments and replacing recalled powdered formulas. MCO staff should also be prepared to communicate with ordering providers, nutritional products providers, donor human milk banks and members regarding this recall. 

A provider notice update has been published at https://www.tmhp.com/

Health Partners | Texas WIC

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual

Abbott Recall | Similac, Alimentum, EleCare Powder Formulas (similacrecall.com)

FDA Investigation of Cronobacter and Salmonella Complaints: Powdered Infant Formula (February 2022) | FDA

PROVIDERS: A recall has been initiated for Similac, Alimentum, or EleCare powdered infant formulas due to reports of Cronobacter sakazakii and Salmonella Newport infections in infants. The FDA is advising consumers not to use these recalled formulas. Please inform parents of all patients of this recall.

Recalled products can be identified by the 7 to 9 digit code and expiration date on the bottom of the package.

Products are included in the recall if they have all three items below:

  • the first two digits of the code are 22 through 37 and
  • the code on the container contains K8, SH, or Z2, and
  • the expiration date is 4-1-2022 (APR 2022) or later.

Members have been advised that if their infant is experiencing symptoms related to Cronobacter or Salmonella infection such as poor feeding, irritability, temperature changes, jaundice, grunting breaths, abnormal movements, lethargy, rash, or blood in the urine or stool, to contact their health care Provider to report their symptoms and receive immediate care.

For more information about this recall, visit FDA.gov.

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