An arctic cold front and possible freezing rain or icy conditions are expected in San Antonio and surrounding counties early next week, beginning this Sunday, January 19.

Community First is committed to supporting our Members as we deal with extreme weather conditions.

If you have special health care needs and need assistance, please contact your assigned Service Coordinator directly. Your Service Coordinator can help you:

  • Replace necessary medical equipment, services, or supplies.
  • Get medications/prescriptions
  • Find community resources that can help you get access to food or shelter
  • Get transportation to a medical appointment or pharmacy

STAR Kids and STAR+PLUS Members can find their Service Coordinator’s name and phone number on the Community First Member Portal.

If you don’t have a Service Coordinator or can’t find their information, call 1-855-607-7827 (toll-free).

For assistance after hours, please call our 24/7 Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-434-2347. A registered nurse can help answer medical questions and help you decide where you need to go for care.

Important Community First Phone Numbers

Member Services: 1-800-434-2347

Member Services: 1-855-607-7827  |  Service Coordination: 210-358-6403

(STAR Kids and STAR+PLUS Members can also contact their Service Coordinators Directly.)

Member Services: 1-833-434-2347

Member Services: 1-888-512-2347

Member Services: 1-800-434-2347

For a list of local community resources, including tips to stay safe and warm, please read our winter weather blog.

Local Warming Centers in Bexar and Rural Counties 

When visiting a warming center, please make sure to call or check online for warming center openings and hours. 


Warming Center: Poteet Public Library
Address: 126 5th St, Poteet, TX 78065
Phone: 830-742-8917
Warming Center Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Details: Water, coffee, and hot chocolate provided

Monitor these pages for updates/additional Atascosa County warming center locations:
City of Pleasanton Fire Department
Pleasanton Civic Center Facebook
City of Poteet Facebook


Warming Center: Silver Sage Hill County Resource Center
Address: 803 Buck Creek Drive, Bandera, TX 78003
Phone: 830-796-4969
Warming Center Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Details: Lunch served 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Check Facebook page for updates. Pets allowed if in crate.

Warming Center: Lakehills United Methodist Church
Address: 150 Avenue J., Lakehills, TX 78063
Phone: 830-751-2404


Bexar County residents in need of a place to stay warm during the day can:

Monitor these pages for updates/additional warming center locations in Bexar County:
San Antonio Severe Weather


Warming Center: Crisis Center of Comal County
Address: 655 Landa St.
Phone: 1-8004348013
Warming Center Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Details: The Crisis Center provides temporary relief but is not a shelter. Those needing overnight accommodation should contact the New Braunfels Salvation Army at 830-608-9129 or NB First Footing (see below).

Warming Center: NB First Footing
Address: 4120 Loop 337, New Braunfels
Phone: 830-272-5020
Warming Center Hours: 5 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. (when temperatures are below 45 degrees)
Details: Transportation services available from Crisis Center of Comal County to NB First Footing (see above). Warm beds, meals, and a safe space for those in need.


Warming Center: Seguin Public Library
Address: 313 W. Nolte St. Seguin, TX
Phone: 830-401-2422
Warming Center Hours: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Details: If you need a place to stay overnight, call the Seguin non-emergency police number at 830-379-2123.


Warming Center: Heath Public Library
Address: 451 N. Main St., Boerne , TX 78006
Phone: 830249-3053
Warming Center Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Warming Center: Boerne Church of Christ
Address: 1 Upper Balcones Rd., Boerne , TX 78006
Phone: 830249-2685
Warming Center Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Warming Center: Sam Fore Jr. Public Library
Address: 1103 Fourth St., Floresville, TX 78114
Phone: 830-393-7361
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Warming Center: The Beer Warehouse
Address: 1302 S. Second St., Floresville, TX 78114
Phone: 830-581-1403
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Warming Center: Jane Yelvington McCallum Public Library
Address: 112 E. Chihuahua St.
Phone: 830-253-1249
Hours: 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m.

Warming Center: Sarah Bain Chandler Public Library
Address: 800 W. Main St., Stockdale, TX 78160
Phone: 830-996-3114
Hours: 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m.

Details: Individuals in need of an overnight warming center should contact the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office at 830-393-2535. Sign up to receive Wilson County Emergency notifications at

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