In response to the 2024-25 General Appropriations Act, House Bill 1, 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023 (Article II, HHSC, Rider 30(a)), HHSC has increased the base wage for attendants from $8.11 to $10.60 per hour.

Key Details:

The 2024-25 General Appropriations Act, House Bill 1, 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023 (Article II, HHSC, Rider 30(a)), increases the base wage for attendants from $8.11 to $10.60 per hour. Attendant services are non-technical medically related or personal care services provided to people at home or in community living settings. Long-term services and support (LTSS) attendant services include assisted living, employment services, habilitation, chores services, waiver transportation, in-home respite, supervised living, and residential support services.

HHSC approved these new rates through the public hearing process on July 11, 2023. The approved payment rates have been posted and can be accessed on the Provider Finance Department (PFD) webpage.


View the Aug. 31, 2023, MCO Notice “HHSC Adopts Proposed Payment Rates for Attendant Services in Various Programs, Effective September 1” (attached)

il2023-33_Pay Rates_PFD (attached)

Next steps for Providers: 

Providers should share this communication with their staff.

Community First Resources:


Email or call 210-358-6294.

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